Why Choose Prospérité?

All of Your Organisation's Occupational Health, Wellbeing and Safety Requirements are Provided Under One Roof!

Highest-Calibre Reports and Advice: We don't merely make comments about fitness to work, we also ensure that your employees are receiving the correct level of healthcare from the NHS/their healthcare provider. This results in a much quicker and more successful return to work.

Consultancy: We provide you with expert advice regarding organisational matters including, but not limited to: assistance with policy writing, regulatory advice regarding HSE guidelines as well as other legislation relevant to your industry, and much more.

Bespoke Custom-Tailored Services: We Allow you to select the services that you require for your business, rather than forcing you to accept costly one-size-fits-all models.

Competitive Prices: With Prospérité, you can expect expert medical advice at competitive prices with no retainer fees (you only pay for the services you actually use, as and when you use them).

Flexibility: We offer a flexible approach including Skype, home, workplace and clinic-based consultations throughout the UK. Using Skype we can offer any of your employees, anywhere in the UK, a video consultation with a doctor at very short notice.

Doctor-Led Services: All of our services are overseen by our Medical Director. As such, you will receive a highly personalised approach. Furthermore, we will only ever provide you with highly qualified and experienced clinicians, all of whom are experts in their fields.